Just to start things off, I wasn't transferred or called as a trainer. I'm in the same area with the same amazing people. But my companion that I had in the MTC was called as a trainer, and a few other people in my group as well. But! Next week four Greenies will arrive in our area so we shall see Wahaha. But I honestly don't think I'm ready to train, I still have a lot to learn. When I train I want to be an awesome trainer. haha
So one of the most exciting things that has happened this week is the progress of André, a man who stopped us on the street and asked to know more about the church. This past Sunday was stake conference and André went to the church by himself..... :) He actually showed up at the church before we did.....:( But it was all good. We sat in the second row from the front where it's nice and quiet and the spirit, the piano and the choir are nice a loud haha Isn't that right Mom?? :) The mission presidente and his wife also gave talks. But the part most interesting is that during one of the talks about the atonement of Jesus Christ André got emotional and lowered his head to hide tears. I personally didn't notice but my mission presidente and my companion said that he did. André has been searching for a religion for 16 years. He studied for 3 years to be a pastor in the evangelical church and also spend a number of years in the Baptist and Catholic Church. He's been baptized 3 times... He knows the bible SO well. During one of our lessons, I decided to read a verse in JAMES 2, and he said it by memory once I started reading it... He's good. But the key for him is to read the Book of Mormon to know if it's true or not. He believes that our church makes sense. The facts but in order to get to really believe it He HAS to read the Book of Mormon for himself and pray to know if its true. Then the rest just falls into place. The only hard part is that he works from 6am-12pm then has school from 12-11pm. So during the weekend are we able to meet with him.
Hey you remember that picture of a teeny tiny truck that I sent to you? Well this past week we had to buy a refrigerado for our house YES! So We FINALLY found one and were able to leave it at a members house who lived right next to the store where we bought it. But the hard part was that we couldn't think of any way to bring it to our house. And we only had 20 dollars to pay someone to bring it to our house, and everyone at the minimum charged $30. So we had to leave it there at the house. But we were tracting and we saw a teeny tiny truck and we asked the man if he would get our fridge for 20 dollars, he agreed!!! YES now the only problem was that his truck was super small. Not too small for the fridge, but too small for three men haha The truck had only two small seats and was a manual. But We squeezed in... painfully :)
I'm enjoying reading and studying the ensigns and Liahonas and other books of the church. There is So much information out there, stories of where the lord has helped people. Stories that we all can apply to our lives. And! In the Book of Mormon, I'm starting to be able to use the Book of Mormon and apply it to the lives of my investigators and to my own life. I LOVE IT it's so Cool. I love learning :)
Thank you all for your support and for your prayers, and especially to my parents who have Done So much for me.
Love you!