Maceio Brazil Mission Assignment

Maceio Brazil Mission Assignment
Serving in God's Army


5 May 2014 -- HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!‏

Rain, rain, go away...

Hello Family and Friends,

Getting started on a service project.
   Well this week it rained, rained, rained, and rained. All my towels and clothes are soaked and starting to smell funny haha. But the work still goes on. There's nothing better than walking in the rain to go and teach the gospel to someone. This week we have been working in a new area. We got the names of all the members that lived in this neighborhood and we are visiting one by one. And it's been working quite well actually. We have found a lot of people who needed a few words of comfort because of family members that had passed away. And we were able to tie all the experiences that these people were going through to the gospel and how we can all one day return to the presence of our Father in Heaven as families eternally sealed and exalted. And my new companion and I are getting used to each other's teaching habits, which has helped a lot. Elder Lira is really good and he can bring the spirit into the lesson so well. And what are we without the spirit? Nothing! This week we needed the spirit big time to help one of our investigators with the fact that God has a body of flesh and bones. It was great! She was having a lot of trouble with the concept until… Ding! The spirit hit here like a bumble bee in a dog house…. Ha! But everything just started clicking for her and she started talking positively about the principle and just kinda sat there thinking. Then she nodded her head and agreed that she will pray and ask to be certain. Milagre!! Love the Spirit it's so AWESOME!
Roof repair needed...the posts were eaten through.
     This week we got to help with a service project at a widow's house. Her house was basically collapsing but the Mormons came to save the day, haha. Termites had eaten in the support beams and cross beams of her roof! So the branch bought the wood and called the troops and we started taking the tiles off her house. We were about halfway done when we saw a dark group of clouds coming towards us. Yeah it dumped rain and the poor ladies house was all drenched. But she didn’t seem to mind a bit. Better than the roof falling on her during the night. And I was having a blast using work clothes in the rain. Nothing stops a Washingtonian from working in the rain, isn't that right dad? And I learned how to lay down shingles on a Brazilian roof! It was good to get out and help.
The São Fransisco river is famous here in Brazil. 

   Everyday my testimony of Christ and his restored church grows. Every day I can hear the little inspiring voice of the Holy Ghost telling me to do something or to not do something or to talk to a specific person. My testimony of the Church and it's divine organization grows every day. I am so thankful for the opportunity that God has given me to serve a full time mission, to be a member of his church on this earth. I am so thankful for the testimony that I have which is something that I will cherish and nourish forever. I know that God lives and that He loves each and every one of us. I know that he has a body of flesh and bone and that we are made in his image. He IS our father and watches over us. He made a plan, a perfect plan so that we may gain a body, develop, learn, progress, return to his presence and become as He is. I am eternally thankful for all that he has done for me. Especially for the wonderful mother that he gave me. She has done so much for me and has helped me become who I am today. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. I love you mom SO much and I can't wait to see you!

A homeless guy...dirty from a service project...

Getting help from an Elder


Trying to start a car???

This is more like it...